Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The CountDown

3 years in the making, the end is finally near..
3 days from now, this is what you will hear..
"I've made it, I've made it, Look what I've done!"
I went from a member of the pack to becoming #1...
how did I do it? I ask myself the same,
through persistance and drive, I owe it all to one name,
Brittani Morris, you've done it, hip hip hurray!
Through the blood sweat and tears, what else can one say?
I feel so proud, for I did it alone,
All by myself, i made my home,
In my own wall of fame, my picture will be,
for i put in this work, all for this degree! :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Come one, come all to the show you exclaimed,
not knowing the entertainment would leave one in pain.
Confusion from twirls and tumbles you did,
making even an adult feel like a little kid.
What a show, one that I've yet to understand,
half joker, half liar, half boy, half man?
Who's to say, Only you know the routine,
one that to others looks like only a scheme.
You play the part well, the clown of all clowns,
but when it comes to the end, can you hold the tent down?
Not from what I've seen, I've only seen the games,
the ones you play in this Circus, like you can't yet be tamed.
So i leave you with a question, a riddle persay,
what have you gained from your character ways?
