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Okay ladies and gents, Impala album still on sale only $10 :)
Yours truly is featured on tracks 8, 9, 15 and 16!
My boys are MAD talented and I LOVEEEE working with them.
There are a couple sites you can check out
To hear samples go to :
It will let you hear snippets before you decide to purchase
You can buy them from me personally if your close by or buy them online at:

We all appreciate all thee love and support! Contact me on FB if you'd like to get your from me or msg me and let me know if you've bought one online! Thanks guys! Xo
So I shot my long time friend Ganesha on 1/29/2011, probably one of thee best shoot to date if i do say so myself. We played off green and gold, wanting to accent the outfit but also wanted to shoot her in a way where thee final shots didn't look like her "normal" self. Wanted to give her a different, softer look, focusing on the eyes and "beauty". Here's a sample of what we did below, you can see more at , you can also contact Ganesha and myself on there! Hope you enjoy! Stay tuned for more.

So lately I've been "training" a few of my co workers you could say, helping them with workouts and good food vs bad food etc. So here are my basics that I thought I'd share
1) Changing your diet or working out won't give you longterm results. You have to do both together!
2)Breakfast I usually mix a few choices (remember I'm trying to lose fat and tone as well). Either Crispix or Raisin B cereal, half cup of milk and protein shake, or half cup of egg whites with quaker oatmeal. Both are filling and it will bring you energy for your morning! Make sure you eat
3) Cut out whites. Im on whole wheat whole GRAIN, gotta have the GRAIN in it. WW/WG tortillas, bread etc. And brown rice, not white.
4) Drinks are easy, 8 bottles of water a day and green tea with lemon. No soda or sugar juices. Cutting that out alone with help you drop the weight and keep it off.
5)Biggest thing for me is my protein. I don't eat red meat, rarely, It's lean ground turkey or grilled chicken! Easiest thing i make, 4 oz ground turkey, whole wheat pasta noodles(any style), and either spagetti or alfredo sauce. Very filling, just make sure you watch your portions.
Other than those, The only other things I live by, thanks to my trainer, eat every3 hours, make sure your getting veggies and water in your day. Workouts I mix circuit training routines with cardio. One day I'll do a 30 minute floor workout then 1hr cardio, next day I'll do another circuit then 45 min cardio etc. Change it up :)
I'm very big on nutrition and fitness :) Any questions FB me or email me (email on fb page)