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So earlier this month I had thee pleasure of shooting my friend Mba Shakoor, artist/actor. We have been friends forever, and finally we were able to put something together! This particular shoot we did in Burbank, CA and I was looking for a certain look, which I think overall came out hot in our shots! Here's a sample of what I captured, see more on my fb at
or you can check them out on Mba's page and check out his music/films at

I'am also still booking so msg me if you want to shoot! Xo
So I'm in a sharing mood today, all day actually so I figured why not share online too! Many people don't know the real me, not even those who I see on a weekly basis so I'm going to share a few random facts/info about me!
- I love animal print like zebra/leopard you can always catch it somewhere in my life!
-My nails are always a color, pattern or print, no white tips for me!
-I love anything pumpkin! especially candles, im addicted!
-Such a reality tv junkie, i admit it! so bad :)
-I enjoy the news and any kind of political science class!
-Best subjects in school? Math and English :)
- I ultimately want to be a victoria secrets model, they need some major curves in their life.
-I love horror flicks, perfect friday night movie pick, anything scary!
i think that's it for now :)
So its official, finally starting work on my official website!
It's going to be hot, so many things in the works, so many ideas, but I know one thing for sure
It's going to be GREATTTTTTTT, YUP!
Stay tuned for that, but for now make sure your on my main sites to keep in touch, will announce when everything is up and running :)