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Is true love a dream or a reality?
It is SO hard to determine these days. Most of us have been lied to or cheated on, know someone whose lied or cheated or have had our hearts broken and lies told to our face.
Dating is a vicious game. End of story. Point blank.
Not everyone has the qualities that make a relationship sustainable, whether you’re together or going on dates, the qualities make the person, their character doesn’t change and their motives shouldn’t either.
However, motives and actions DO change in those who aren’t true to the person they are portraying.
Today, one of my best friends found out his girl was going behind his back with another man. In my mind, this would crush me; I could only imagine how he feels. Now you think it would be common sense to those in a relationship to value their partner and their connection but sadly this isn’t always the case for one person in that commitment. So this got me thinking.
IS true love a dream or can it in fact be a reality?..... Yes, there are ups and downs, that’s with life in general. What makes me wonder is WHY is commitment and loving someone who loves you so hard? It shouldn’t be. There shouldn’t be so many curves and dark corners. There shouldn’t be so many fake words and distrusting actions. So how do you determine which is real and fake?
SO many things can be discussed when you ask “is true love a dream or reality because most of us have a cloudy, dreamlike experience where we feel like “true love” isn’t real… my advice?
All I can personally do is be myself. Regardless of those around me or those who chose not to embrace my love and affection. “Everything happens for a reason”. I believe I have a lot to offer so…. All we can do is try and wait…. Wouldn’t that be amazing is “true love” did exist for each of us? :) keep smiling…

Okay so I think MOVIES area great. Whether your going on a date, have a night off from work or just want to go out with friends, they are good for every occasion!
So a few of my FAVS are:
-The Patriot
-Miracle At St. Anna
-Jumping the Broom
-30 Days of Nights
Now I know Im forgetting a few but those are DEF MUST SEES!!!!!
so heres my opinions on movies
Perfect date movie- ACTION or COMEDY....cant go wrong! lets both the man and the women enjoy themselves and the company
Rainy day movie: Something with a strong story line or real life event, like Miracle at St. Anna! Movie is AMAZING! I can watch it anytime (because of mr L.A. lol) but that movie has a very significant story behind it, makes for a good chill day or in this case, rainy day weather.
Love Making Night movie: Sexy romantic movie like "The Best Man" or "Brown Sugar" or "Jumping the Broom"..Those movies are not only well written, have amazing actors/actresses, but the LOVE in those movies is so strong, it will definitely make the women your with smile and put her in another mindset. As for the "love making", that parts up to you lol
Bottom line, i LOVE movies, and they can add to any occasion or mood you want to set!

As women, it is natural for us to have a guard up. This did not happen overnight. After bad experiences, we become more guarded: its instinct. Now most of us won’t blame you or compare you to those of the past, but our guard is present, sometimes it is higher up than others, depending on each person.
So what goes through my mind, having been hurt in the past and recently, is it easier to avoid putting your heart out there and be safe, or should we always take that chance???
Safe or happy?
I don’t feel being safe IS happy; it is being OKAY with being content.
We should never settle, men or women, for there are far greater things in life, regardless of if we’ve felt them, they are there. Timing is EVERYTHING… If the right person is in front of you, but the timing is off, I will not work period. It is a game, whether we like it or not.
But the thing about this game is WE make up the rules and WE control the moves. It is a blessing and a curse. I can personally say my wall is ever so high due to no one showing me proof of why I should take it down.
My wall guards and protects me, so until that man who secures my mind and proves to me my heart is in good hands, I feel like I can hold onto my heart, I know I will protect it.
But that doesn’t mean that everyone will hurt me, or hurt you. I feel like I will fall 100 times, be stabbed in the back 100 times, feel pain 100 times before that 1 time where I’m loved by another more than life itself.
So should we be safe or happy?
I say do you, feel out life, take chances, and take lessons away from every situation, good or bad.
But remember, you have to TRY and let someone in to let them show you their intentions. Blocking out someone due to a horrible experience may cause you to pass up the “right” one or situation…
Food for thought…..
XO Brittani