-Don't nag. see the bigger picture. Pick and choose your battles careful. How to pay the bills is more important to discuss than "why are you 5 minutes late?"...
-Be yourself from day 1. Feelings and ideas change quickly the second someone finds out you've been deceiving. Nothing sexier than an honest person.
-Keep it fresh! Pizza & movie at home one night, massage day with your honey the next, mini golf the next week! We all like stimulation, so keep it interesting
- Explore new avenues. Include eachother in things you might have done solo normally. Go to gym together or grocery shop! It's the little things that spark our attention.
We all will have our own ideas on what works for us but bottom line, we cannot expect things to change if we don't. A SPARK is very important, creating it isn't the issue but sustaining it is. We can all learn from eachother. Brainstorm. Explore. Be creative. KEEP IT SPARK-TASTIC :)
I say you don't limit it to just being some sparks. Once those sparks start, let it burn into a raging fire that can't be put out.