I had a horrible weekend, its safe to say! Not all of it was soo bad, but for the most part, it was more negative then positive. So today I had to pick up the slack from this weekend. Errands upon errands, studying,cleaning, getting ready 4 class tomorrow etc. Then I remembered, I had to do my online work and turn it it by 5am tomorrow, So I did...
Im taking a online religious studies class on top of 3 other classes because I needed more units and I'm a nerd so I overachieve, alot lol. I have never taken an online class because I love being in the classroom and having "personal contact" learning with my peers as well as the instructor. Anyways lets just say a "online" course was and still is "not" my thing. So the description of my course read this and i QUOTE... "This course is an introduction to the diverse expression of religion in the United States, including the Puritans, slave religion, the religious reform movements, the Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and Muslim communities, the African American religious experience, Eastern religions in America, and contemporary syncretistic religious movements.".... Random right?
So on top of me not liking online classes, now Im in a religous studies class, something I've never dabbled in. I've done chemistry and calculus but NEVER a religious course. So this is my 3rd week doing this class online and I'm understanding it. I have my required txts and even though it took me a while to learn this online ish, I've got it. I'm also taking Political Science, My last and highest English and a Biology Lab/Lecture course. Now if that isn't a full load, I dunno what is lol.
The point to my blog today is this. YOU are your only obstacle. Their is always a answer to a problem in front of you for you are the biggest issue you will have 2 overcome. I HATE online classes, But I'am doing it and doing it well WHILE taking a full load of classes, recording, writing music, hitting gym and doing everything else in my crazy life...
YES some of us are good at school and others of us despise it, but regardless of how it makes you feel, it is building YOU and your life up from what it was. It is meant to be a challenge because growth is never achieved from doing something easy that you already know. Though I have grown up loving school, I had to adapt myself and my work ethic to push through these courses, as well as this online class. Last semester I took Philosophy, Anthropology, English and Psycology(aced them all) and still this semester is soooo much more work and stress for me. But I realized this...I'm the only one whos going to push me. If my grade is below an A, especially below a B, I've realized it's because I DIDN'T put the work in, My teacher could care less, and he should in a sense, because its MY LIFE, MY GRADES, MY FUTURE....
I always knew the deeper I go in school, the harder it will be, but I really realized today just how much IM apart of my passing or failing(sound dumb it may) but its true. You may be in a hard situation, but look ahead to what you will get out of it if you stick it through and give it your all. Life is already complicated so why not make it easier and prove to yourself that YOU control whether you rise or fall? :) Can't wait for more random thoughts to share :)
I understand where you coming from. School, work, society, gym (I think I saw you there before), just yourself can bring you down sometimes. Like you say though, might as well try to show we're in control whether rise or fall.